• Healthcare

a A Less-Paper environment
a Improved client service
a Reduced Cost of Compliance

Healthcare Industries are facing mounting pressure to get rid of the paper for a number of reasons, such as reducing costs, decreasing errors, complying with regulatory requirements and heeding the Federal Government’s recent directive to adopt electronic medical records systems. Healthcare Industry requires a solution which is flexible, scalable, easy to use and can give a best fitment to their needs. It should work as an integrated solution which can cater to Transaction Processing and Document Management Solution.

The Challenges

a Healthcare Industry is swimming in paper, at most Hospitals today, more then 90 percent of all patient information exists on paper
a Manual and Paper-based Process is expensive and time consuming leads to low productivity and compliance risks
a Physical document can be accessed by any individual and cause harm to the organization. In Healthcare Industry there are many critical documents, which needs to be protected and need adequate security
a Keeping track of all the documents related to day-to-day processes are also a very complicated process. Sharing the same between multiple departments at one point of time is a critical issue from the security prospective as well.

FineDocs Content Management Solution for Healthcare industries effetively manage all kinds of unstructured content for all patient records in a centralized archive. Integrated with legacy HIS and EMR, FineDocs provides an image-enabled solution to access to all relevant clinical and operational data quickly and easily wherein the Workflow Solution encompasses the entire billing process from the patient’s point of admission to final payment.


a Doctors can get the investigation reports online at their terminal (or any terminal) without waiting for the physical report reaching them. Doctors can see the previous investigation results for a patient for better diagnosis
a Improved Client service - the tracking of medical records of patients and Reports is automated and easily searchable
a Reduce storage cost, allowing staff to process by exception and become more analytical
a Role-based authorized access and a complete audit trail ensures
a Complete automation of works, from patient admission till his exit on real time basis
a Disaster Management – All records are archived in tape drive / CD / DVD.
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